domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Drying of foods

In our proyect of seminary, with my group we make a oven to dry food, especifically onion

 Dry food is a method to preserve them, usually we dry beans, cereals or fish. Dry fruits and vegetables are  not very common but this simple technology is improving the diet of each person's. Tomatoes, herbs, mangoes and onions are examples of fruits and vegetables that can be dried, instead of having to sell the market when prices are low,the packages can be sell lather when the price goes high.

 It is very important to keep food clean while the  drying is in process , especially if they will be sold. Hands should be wash. The containers must be clean and dry. You have to be sure that there are not flies,in our project we only used the sun to dry food. the solar energy are well in areas with lots of sunshine and low humidity.

13 Baktun

The Mayans has a long count, the calendar system is round it means that when something begin in a poin is going to end in the same point.
The Baktum is the equivalent of 144,000 days.
 According to this calendar on December 21, 2012 is the last day of the thirteenth Baktun.
But is just the end of an era, and the beggining of another.
The Mayans have the sacred number 13, according to the Mayans this number allows us to return "to heaven", with our essential, the fisic representation of the 13 number are 12 + 1, where 12 represents the number of the temple and 13 of the Most High, for example, many monuments have 12 columns + 1 altar.
It is said that until the number 12 appears in the stuff , as in the 12 helices of DNA and that "the factor + 1" for union with the spiritual.
Many people make speculations about the end of the world, and is just the end of a cicle, when december 21 becomes in Guatemala are going to be a lot of tourists


I was thinking about the antibiotics, because my sister has to take them.
An antibiotic is a chemical that is produced by a living or is created in a laboratory, the antibiotics kill or inhibits the growth of certain microorganismsor bacterias.
Antibiotics are used in human medicine to treat infections that are caused by the germs.
Usually the antibiotics are stronger than the bacterias, but also can occur the adverse reaction and they could affect the natural flora of the stomach.
The antibiotics help to the organism until the local defenses can control the infection or disease, many people can abuse taken them because the effect is fast and good, but if the pascient take a lot antibiotics the bacteria becomes resistant.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012



Is an American multinational company, the main idea of it was the discount department stores and the warehouse stores. The company is the third largest public corporation and also the biggest company with employees, there works more than two million of people.
Walmart still is a family company, the Walton family control 48% of the company.
The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962,  Walmart has 8,500 stores in 15 countries, under 55 different names.The company operates under the Walmart name in the United States, including the 50 states and Puerto Rico. It operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the United Kingdom as Asda, in Japan as Seiyu, and in India as Best Price. It has wholly owned operations in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada and some other countries.
In Guatemala the company has stores but with other names like Super tiendas Paiz, Despensa familiar, Maxi Despensa y Club CO. The company supports many farmers and ranchers in their own production to export it, most of the half of the beneficiaries are women.
The store system is lower the price and then they charge the cents to your count and they win cent by cent, That is not too much but with all the customers the incredible gain are awesome.
Body Art

Many people have Tattoos and piercings because they think that is art, and sure, it is.
The Tattoos in the past used to be in some cultures for represent the importance of the people has leaders in the town or culture, in other cultures to represent the high and low power. In our days the people uses tattoos to represent something special in their lives or to mean that they belong to some group or church.
The tattoo is made with indelible ink in the dermis with needles that change the pigment and color in the skin, are temporally tattoos and the permanents. Now the people that don’t want anymore the tattoo can take it away whit a surgery.
The piercings are normal for many people but in the ears, also our ancients the Mayans used to have a lot of piercings in the face, including the eyebrows, tongue, mouth, cheeks and nose. Some people pierce for religious or spiritual reasons, while others just use it because of the esthetic or sexual pleasure.

The tattoos and piercings have disadvantages because of the tools for put it in the body; both works directly with the skin and the incorrect use of the instruments could affect the health with allergic reactions and infections.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


Cancer is a group of diseases in which the body produces anormal cells derived from your own tissue, similar to the original cells , and can comport in different ways, but that in general tend to lead to death, the cancer has many tipes, manytimes the cancer begins in some part and then it run through the blood for all the body and it can develop.the
Now are many programs that support it disease with free treatments in our country.
the patien usually falls into depression. I want to study oncology, that is the branch of the medicine tha study the cancer and helps the kids,


Its a social network that has the center at San Francisco in United States.
whit this network you can send messages too fast, Twitter exist since 2006 and it becomes popular at 2010
every message that you write becomes into a tweet.
Many celebrities and  actors joined the microblogging. From this, the most popular twitter are called Twitterati, and are influential users.

Twitter coul be with you at anytime since your cellphone, ipad, ipod, notbook or computer. sometimes the network has a surcharge but also the users continue using it, the user has the chance to get followers through the biography and the avatar in every profile, if the user has good tweets the followers goes up.